Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Perlman/Pearls/Facing Demons

So, seeing Itzhak Perlman last night was one of the most amazing nights that I believe I will ever have. He wheeled out onto the stage, and the entire concert hall was filled with applause. People were standing up and cheering before he even played the first note of Leclair's Sonata. The violin became a human being under his fingers. It laughed, cried, sighed, and whispered. If only it was that easy, I thought to myself. With only a pianist as accompaniment, Itzhak owned the stage, and he truly made the Peace Center glow with his unmatchable talent. Even as he wheeled out onto the stage, he cannot walk out because he has polio, and I saw his grey hair, I thought to myself, there aren't many people more beautiful than this man--a man who has blessed the world with the gift of music, the gift from heaven. He found his love, his passion, and unleashed it. Carpe diem. Beautiful moment of my lifetime.

Beautiful Thing # 1--I woke up, tried to turn on my light...tried again...again...no luck. I flip on the terrible, evil flourescent light. I see glass bits all over my countertop. What? I look inside my lamp at the bulb, and apparently when my cell phone fell off the bed last night, it fell into the lamp and broke the bulb. This is a sarcastic beautiful thing. It's not so beautiful...

Beautiful Thing #2--I drove around cursing the parking lot because I couldn't find a space closer than row 6 (and it's raining), d*** you stupid people, blargljglksjg anger. Then suddenly, I decided to check row 3 for the heck of it, and there was a parking space right up front. Umm...sorry God. Thanks.

It's Jack Johnson, coffee, and homework time before class. Mmmm college.

It is currently 9:30, and I see no end to studying in sight. I vowed to not drink any caffeinated beverages after 12 pm, but I may have to break that vow...we will see. K.T. Tunstall makes the looming math test not seem so terrible. My favorite song right now--(beautiful thing #3)

All the muscles tighten in her face
Buries her soul in one embrace
They're one and the same
Just like water
Then the fire fades away

But most of everyday
Is full of tired excuses
But it's too hard to say
I wish it were simple

But we give up easily
You're close enough to see that
You're.... the other side of the world
to me

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