Monday, November 2, 2009

Fold It

I just can't seem to find the energy sometimes, or perhaps the inspiration. Where did my creativity go? Am I turning into everyone else? Do I have anything really interesting to share with the world? Who knows...

I just know that right now, my body is aching, I'm tired, and I'm watching the Yankees lose to Philadelphia. I don't even watch sports on television, but it came on after Big Bang Theory, and since I am alone in the dorm room again, it's nice to have some background noise.

I suppose that I should mention what I did for Halloween/Homecoming weekend. Well, it was raining here in good old Clemson, South Carolina, but I still managed to have quite a bit of fun. Friday night, my roommate sprung a party on me at the last minute, so I had to come up with a quick costume (since Betty Boop was not quite ready to be shown yet). First I was going to be a ninja, then a gypsy, then finally decided on being a tiger. When we were ready to go, we headed outside to be picked up by a van, aka: clown car, with ten of us packed in like costumed sardines. The apartment that the party was at was really nice, but it's always a bit awkward being in someone's apartment that you don't know from Adam. There were actually three degrees of separation between the resident of the apartment and myself--I am friends with someone who is friends with someone who is a friend of the apartment owner. Oh well. So I watched people get drunk, ate Doritos, and marveled at the plethera of costumes. There were cavewomen, the Mr. Clean guy, the Sham-Wow guy (I know right?!..awesome), this random guy with a blow-up duck costume, and various other costumes that I don't feel like mentioning (mainly because I have a terrible memory and forgot the rest).

So that was night #1. Then on Halloween, I was dressed awesomely as Betty Boop (complete with feather boa, fishnet stockings, and a ridiculously short dress), and went to see Rocky Horror for the first time. That was an experience I will never forget. In the words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."

After Rocky Horror was a spontaneous trip to La Casa de Waffle (aka: Waffle House). It was great as always.

Lauren's Order:

1 Cheese and Tomato Omelet



Lots of Coffee

That is always my order and will forever be my order. I think I am the only person in the history of the universe never to have ordered a waffle at Waffle House.

After Waffle House, I terrified myself by watching Haunting in Connecticut. I am seriously beginning to think that watching scary movies can become an addiction. I know that it will scare me, and I don't like being scared, but then I watch them anyway. Maybe it's the adrenaline or something? Idk...scientific-y neurony brain stuff.

Anyway, now I am procrastinating more homework.

Beautiful Thing # 1: I made an A on my history exam. Take that you stupid TA that gave me a D on my last paper!! I am not a D student, and I now have two A exams in that class to prove it! Yes, the picture is placed at the top of my blog because it made my day. I think I'm addicted to the feeling of getting good grades...
Beautiful Thing # 2: I have one class tomorrow, and it doesn't start until 12:30!! Sleepy time.
Goodnight world. (I just thought of Goodnight Moon...aww...happy book)

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