Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hospitals and Chubby Groundhogs

This is a post that has been long due. I apologize, mainly to myself, that it has been exactly a week since I last wrote, but I have been rather busy being sick and all...haha. Yes, I have been sick and today is another doctor's appointment! Mi favorito!! Hopefully I can get all of this mess straightened out and just BE WELL. So, what has been happening with me lately? I can start with last Wednesday...

(Well, actually late Tuesday night)--I was having stomach pain, nausea..oh no, not a stomach virus. I tossed and turned and tried to sleep, but to no avail. After a night of no sleep, mi despertador dinged, reminding me that it is wakey-wakey time. Well, I'm already awake, thank you. I shut it off angrily and tried to sleep some more. I could not fathom dragging myself, in pain, to class. After a few hours of some broken sleep, I called home and said that I needed an appointment at the health center. Although the health center is right across the street, my mom had to come and help me get over there.

We both had ideas. Appendicitis seemed quite likely since I was showing quite a few of the main symptoms. The nurse saw me, they took a blood sample, and ohhh...your white blood cell count is rising. Go to the hospital and get a CT scan please. CT scan. I've had one of those before. They aren't so bad. Ha, little did I know!

So we went to the hospital, and thankfully since my mom works there and has connections, I was well taken care of. Then they gave me two cups of the most disgusting crap you could ever possibly imagine. It makes me gag just to think of it now. Oral. Contrast. Is. Crap. In. A. Cup. My mom said that I was lucky because I had the kind that they mixed with Crystal Light. I didn't taste anything resembling Crystal Light, thank you,....vomit.

So, since the cup and a half of contrast that I had gagged down decided to come back up, they had to wheel me (in a wheelchair!! it was fun, sort of). I was wheeled into the CT scan room, where they proceeded to make me as comfortable as possible. Now it was time to try the IV contrast since my stomach seemed to just be too weak. But my tired little veins let me down. After five different people, and five needles inserted into various parts of my forearm, the nurse told me that she had never in her life seen veins like mine. Oh joy, I'm a special case. Soooo not what I want right now. I moaned, "why can't I just be norrrrrmaaaaall??" Finally, she decided to try my hand. The last resort. I closed my eyes and thought...big juicy veins, come on, you can do it body....while giving my tired body a little pep talk in my head, the nurse continued fumbling around near my hand. She was just about to give up when BAM! Got it! Finally. I could feel the liquid start flowing cooly into my tiny vein. Once the test was over, I breathed a sigh of relief. Now to head over to the ER.

I was wheeled into the ER, where they quickly took my information and placed me into bed in a room, the needle still in my hand, in case they needed to hook me up to another IV. A nurse came in, and I told her all of my symptoms. By this time, it was late. I'm not sure what time, probably around 9 or 10 p.m. I was still in a lot of pain and I was exhausted since I hadn't eaten anything, so they hooked me up to an IV with some medicine that "might make you a bit sleepy." About one minute after the medicine started flowing into my system, my talking became a bit slower, and then I slept. and slept. It seemed like I slept forever, but then they woke me up and sent me home. I wanted to just stay in that bed. I was warm and sleepy and finally not in a lot of pain, but then I thought about having to stay in the hospital and have people poking and prodding me all through the night. No thank you. I got out of the bed rather quickly.

I slept for hours and hours at home. Sleep is amazing. Nothing hurts. Then you wake up and reality hits. Welcome to the world. You have bacteria inside of you that are screwing up your intestines. Nice. I was very grateful that my parents live so close. I could not imagine being in that much pain and having to deal with it basically on my own. People at far away colleges with health problems: I commend you.

Anyway, I stayed at home through Sunday night when I was finally feeling the effects of the medicine. I was ready to get back to school!

So what is in Lauren's future?
1. good health
2. happiness
3. prosperity
4. just kidding.
5. contra dancing on Friday. hopefully pictures to post. (I'm getting slack with pictures because I have no camera)
6. more dancy dancing on Saturday night for roomie's birthday.
7. THANKSGIVINGGGGG = Florida. My grammie and poppy. My aunt. My cousin. =)
8. METRIC show in Atnalta Atlanta Talanta on the 28th!!

OHhhh and. Lauren has a secret. =D Wanna know what it is?

Beautiful Thing #1: You shall never know. Except that it involves a person.
Beautiful Thing #2: The leaves on the ground when they are wet. Just don't slip!
Beautiful Thing #3: I am no longer sick
Beautiful Thing #4: Flannel Friday. My name is Lauren the Lumberjack and I approve this message.

--Have an amazing day!! Go find something beautiful. My mom found a fat little groundhog that was running across the yard.


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